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Episode 93: April Lemon
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 93: April Lemon

Please give it up for #KCgirl, April Lemon, y'all!

Yes, yes. It's Episode No. 93, and it's one heckuva party, for sure.

April and I go back a few clicks to the early 2000s, when we were doing the hospitality-industry thing together, which -- for the record -- were such good times. Thank you, Mark & James, for opening cool joints.

Anyway...April is in the event-planning/P.R./promotions world these days, and you should check her out both here and here.

It was really fun seeing April and getting to hang out with her after some 20 years. And, it wouldn't be an episode of Badass Records if we didn't touch on a few of April's favorite records. Those were these…

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Episode 92: Dan Jones
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 92: Dan Jones

Dan Jones, Dan Jones, Dan Jones.

What an absolute treat it was to meet the Squidmaster himself and chat a little bit about his life, his journey as a musician, and a few of his favorite records along the way.

Dan and I had a fantastic phone call at some point over the summer, and my gratitude for him seeing our conversation through is really firing on all cylinders. Even now, three weeks after we sat down together.

Those albums worthy enough to make Dan's cut for Episode #92 included the following…

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Episode 91: Will Moulthrop
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 91: Will Moulthrop

What's crackin', y'all?

If you read these on the reg', thank you. I appreciate you.

You might know that I'm prone to screw things up from time to time when a) interviewing, b) recording, c) producing, and d) all of the above.

Nothin' sweeter than doing it on consecutive episodes, though.


I goofed. Again. And as a result, the guest video comes in late. apologies to Will Moulthrop, my partner in crime for Episode No. 91.

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Episode 90: Meg Kumin
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 90: Meg Kumin

It's the Ryan O'Reilly episode, y'all...#90!

Okay. Silliness? Check. Now let's get the gaffe outta the way. In a nutshell, I was so excited to have this week's guest in the chair that I literally forgot to hit "record" on her camera. video, which is a shame as Meg Kumin's face is far too adorable to waste on the incompetencies of a cotton-headed ninnymuggins such as myself.

I did, however, take the liberty of plastering the video file with some of my favorite pieces of her photography, which you can view/purchase at, so there is that aspect, which makes this episode even uniquer than it already was.

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Episode 89: Dan Henk
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 89: Dan Henk

Sometimes I nerd out and assign the jersey number of one of my favorite (current or former) players from one of my favorite teams to the episode I'm posting about. So, for Episode No. 89, the default move would be to go Otis Taylor. I could also throw in Jason "Big Diesel" Dunn or Keith Cash, but -- since Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes came up in this episode's conversation, it's gotta be the Andre Rison episode.

And what a trip this episode was. Figuratively and literally.

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Episode 88: The Beck Discography, featuring Sammy Sanchez
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 88: The Beck Discography, featuring Sammy Sanchez

Don't tell my guest from Episode No. 29 (as he is a hater through and through), but -- but -- it's the Tony Gonzalez episode!

That' right. Rollin' along towards the big podcasting c-note, here we are at Episode No. 88, and I couldn't be more stoked to say that my guest is none other than the esteemed three-peat-appearance, Sammy Sanchez.

The first time Sammy joined the podcast (Episode No. 44), we ran through a few of his favorite albums; the second time around (20 episodes later), we devoured the Tom Waits library.

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Episode 87: Medeski, Martin, & Wood's "Shack-man"
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 87: Medeski, Martin, & Wood's "Shack-man"

What up?

Back with another solo episode, and this time we're checking out Medeski, Martin, & Wood's 1996 release, Shack-man.

It's an all-time fave, and I had a blast diving in to it.

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the show.

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Episode 86: Krysztof Nemeth
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 86: Krysztof Nemeth

Nineteen eighty-six was wild. The Royals had just won their first World Series. We watched the Space Shuttle Challenger launch on a wheeled-in A/V cart (with its top-shelf television). Saturday Night Live was about to enter one of its golden eras. D.A.R.E. was alive and breathing fear into the minds of kids, and Kansas City police officers handed out Chiefs cards to area youth wherever and whenever they could.

Eighty-six, in the service-industry term, holds an entirely different meaning: We're out of that item; it's been 86'd. And I'd like to let you know that my interview with Krysztof Nemeth for Episode No. 86 was something much closer to the former than the latter.

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Episode 85: Shwaggy Roaches
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 85: Shwaggy Roaches

It's Episode #85! It's Marc Boerigter! It's Don Denkinger! It''s...Shwaggy Roaches!

Yes, yes, my friends. Stoney-Doom! was in the house talking band life, Kansas cannabis law reform, and some of that sweet, sweet music.

Please give them a follow on the ol' Instagram machine and check out their bandcamp as well, where I'm sure you'll be able to find some sweet snacks for the members of your gang.

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Episode 84: Steve Tulipana
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 84: Steve Tulipana

Steve Tulipana is a son and a brother and a husband and a musician. He's also the co-owner of recordBar and miniBar, as well as partner in Lemonade Park. Last but not least, he's my guest for Episode No. 84.

I'm beyond pleased that Steve took some time out of his very-busy, very-demanding schedule to come sit with me and talk a little bit about his story as a musician in many outfits, a recording artist, and an owner/operator/partner of multiple live-music venues.

Sometimes I have one or more of these things locked, loaded, and ready to drop; other times I'm scrambling, and this week was an example of the latter. Needless to say, I'm pleased to've put the finishing touches on this installment in the 11th hour, and am now ready for a nap.

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Episode 83: Til Willis
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 83: Til Willis

Being sensitive has got to be one of the oddest characteristics about being a human.

During my correspondence via D.M.s (as a total stranger) with Til Willis, I had a small moment of panic. It was the kind of moment wherein the rabbit hole of questioning the way you go about life doesn't suddenly gape, but it doesn't not open a little bit, either. was a handful of months back, and we were swapping messages. He -- at one point -- used the phrase, "Like I said," and I might as well have just made myself a shit sandwich and eaten it.

You blew it, Dipstick, I thought. Way to go.

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Episode 82: Play Pause Stop, Benevento/Russo Duo
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 82: Play Pause Stop, Benevento/Russo Duo


I'm Blair Johnson, and I host this thing.

Normally I'm writing these deals up about the episode's guest; today I don't have to do that.

I will anyway, though. Just for grins.

I'm a son and a brother and a dad and an uncle and a pretty big, goddamn nerd.

The point of this podcast is to chat with people about some of their favorite music. So, today, I chat with you about one of my favorite albums, Play Pause Stop by Benevento/Russo Duo.

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Episode 81: Jeffrey Calkins
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 81: Jeffrey Calkins


What an experience it was to put this one together. Second time recording away from the studio. Second time sitting down with a venue owner/operator, and possibly not the last.

But I doubt they'll get much better than Jeffrey Calkins.

Aztec Jeff, everybody! Aztec Jeff!

Jeff and I connected a number of weeks back, and I never could've imagined finding myself in a situation wherein a prospective guest wants to not only do an episode with me, but have me do it in their space. And, let me tell you: The folks don't get much friendlier and the spaces don't get much finer than Jeffrey Calkins and the Aztec Shawnee Theater.

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Episode 80: Duke Ross
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 80: Duke Ross

Duke Ross is a son and a brother and a husband and a father and an all-around righteous dude.

When he's not otherwise occupied behind the steering wheel of a tow truck, he can likely be found in the crowd at a Dead & Company show, or -- perhaps -- on a Mexican beach with a cold cocktail in his hand.

Duke and I connected a little over two years ago via a Facebook group called Kansas City Dead Heads. He was pedaling some merch', and I said, Yes, please.

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Episode 79: Dane Bridges
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 79: Dane Bridges

Dane Bridges is a son and a brother and a boyfriend and a music instructor. He's also the bassist for Chowk.

Dane was kind enough to stop by for Episode No. 79, talk a little bit of background and a lotta bit of music.

And somewhere along the way, we had a peek at a few of his favorite records. They were these…

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Episode 78: Dave Schloss
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 78: Dave Schloss

Dave Schloss is a son and a brother and a husband, and a father. He's an entrepreneur, a killer ice-hockey teammate, and he once had the pleasure of calling me his next-door neighbor.

Dave, and his wife, Anna, made career pivots and left their beloved Chicago life for some adulthood in Kansas City, going from downtown to midtown to the north town while they were here, but've recently found themselves enjoying a healthy dose of island time down in the the ol' Sunshine State.

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Episode 77: Patrick Sprehe
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 77: Patrick Sprehe

A number of things come to mind when thinking about some of the pieces of redundancy one tends to encounter when hosting a podcast. Some of it is -- of course -- necessary. Some you hope to avoid. Still some are just plain unavoidable, such as gushing with gratitude and thanks for those that decide to join me for an episode.

It's no lie or exaggeration when I say that every episode is special, and that every guest is a treat. Patrick Sprehe for Episode #77 (Paul Coffey!) was no different.

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Episode 76: Jason Beers
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 76: Jason Beers

It's the John Tait episode of Badass Records!

That's right. It's #76. Only this conversation had nothing to do with former Kansas City Chiefs, B.Y.U. alum, or left tackles at all. Nope. This one's all about Beers. Jason Beers.

Yes, the banjo-wrangling, bass-playing, prolific writer/recorder of music was kind enough to give of his time and swing by for a chat about gigging, releasing material, and -- of course -- a few of his favorite records.

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Episode 75: Danny "Dr. 47" Phillips
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 75: Danny "Dr. 47" Phillips


This was one for the ages.

Having being fortunate enough to be invited up to Sk8bar in St. Joe, I gladly accepted and -- while there -- was able to connect with Danny "Dr. 47" Phillips to record Episode # 75 of Badass Records podcast.

Such a challenge. So much fun. So worth it.


I didn't know how I would attempt to make myself comfortable in someone else's space. I didn't know if I'd know how to set up all of the gear once I'd taken it apart for the first time, and I didn't know how I'd do (at all) attempting to conduct an interview beneath all of those details.

But, alas...the stress and the anxiety were completely unwarranted.

Brandon and Jesse welcomed me into their home away from home, and Danny was a gracious host/guest.

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Episode 74: Adam Browning
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 74: Adam Browning

Adam Browning is a son, a brother, a music fanatic, and he is my guest for Episode #74.

And speaking of podcasts, he co-hosts his own! It's called ChemTrails with Adam & Sean and you could check it out here, were you so inclined. was a blast having Adam. He brought notes!

We talked a good bit about life, his podcast with Sean Harris (Episode #62, if you're keepin' score at home.), and, well...a few of his favorite records.

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