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Episode 20: Kyle Davis
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 20: Kyle Davis

Kyle Davis is a son, a brother, a husband, a father to three adorable daughters, and the co-proprietor of Cicada Co., a design-and-build company.

Kyle was kind enough to give of his super-busy schedule and come sit with me for episode #20 of Badass Records Podcast. He chose Radiohead's In Rainbows (2007) as his musical selection, but we didn't limit our conversation to just that record.

The Cicada crew's fine, fine work is visible on the Web ( and evidence of their fantastic work can be found on the 'Gram at @cicada_co.

A single father of two couldn't ask for better neighbors, and -- were they not corner-lot dwellers -- I'm sure the folks on the other side of their home would say the same thing.

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Episode 19: Jordan Gooch
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 19: Jordan Gooch

Jordan Gooch is a daughter, a sister, and a dog mom.

We met in the service industry around a decade and change ago back when I was a first-time new dad and she was feeling her way through the post-high-school/early-college years. We would -- on occasion -- cross paths behind the restaurant and swap stories about life and music over cigarettes, so I knew that once I got this project off the ground, she would be a good candidate for an episode.

It took a handful of tries to get Jordan in the room, but from jump street, her selection for what wound up being episode #19 was Circa Survive's On Letting Go.

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Episode 18: Shawn Damm
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 18: Shawn Damm

Shawn Damm is a son, a brother, a husband, a proud father of two, and an all-around righteous dude.

He's written more return addresses in the top-left corners of envelopes than he can literally remember, and unless you wanna be told to go fly a kite, don't tell him what to do.

Mr. Damm was kind enough to join me for a fantastic conversation about life and love and children and music. We had a couple cold ones, cracked a lot o' wise, and tried to burn the place to the ground.

Movies came up, and books were discussed. Cars and jobs were touched on. We examined college failures and discovered our love of Too $hort was mutual.

As a matter of fact, I'm not sure what we didn't cover.

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Episode 17: Dave Tschirhart
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 17: Dave Tschirhart

Dave Tschirhart is a son, a brother, a father, a husband, a lover of music and tattoos, and he is also the proprietor of Blue Valley Tree & Outdoors.

He's a friendly, knowledgable dude, that was pretty pumped to come do an episode of Badass Records Podcast with me, and his selections did not disappoint.

Please have a view on YouTube (channel link in bio) or a listen via the Web site -- -- and perhaps you'll enjoy us talking AC/DC Back in Black and Def Leppard Pyromania enough to tell a friend.

Thanks for stopping by.

copyright disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the intro/outro audio samples. They are clips from Morcheeba's, "The Great London Traffic Warden Massacre" off of their 2002 release entitled Charango, c/o China Records, LTD.

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Episode 16: Joe Strobl
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 16: Joe Strobl

Joe Strobl joined Badass Records Podcast for episode #16, and I'm not sure what we didn't cover: being engaged, smoking briskets, Anthony Bourdain, pro wrestling, Wakarusa, high school, family, Chiefs season tickets, collecting vinyl, Bruce Springsteen, Swedish visas (or the lack thereof).

You know. The typical Tuesday-evening fodder.

Joe chose My Morning Jacket's Z, The '59 Sound by Gaslight Anthem, and everybody's favorite Wilco record, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, as his initial dabbles into records of badassery.

Early in our conversation I called Joe, "something of a unicorn," and later supposed that perhaps he was striped. He said it was a testament to his family going through stuff together and having that bring them close together. That sentiment hasn't left me since and I don't imagine it ever will.

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Episode 15: Tiffany Johnson
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 15: Tiffany Johnson

What is there that I could possibly say about this human being?

It's a lengthy list, actually, and I know how we're all doing with attention spans these days. And that's fine. I know that -- if you care -- you'll read it, and if you don't, you won't. No big deal.

I don't, um, mean to shun any of the previous guests of Badass Records Podcast, because they've all been super-fantastic. They really have.

I've had my eye on this particular calendar date, though, and I feel really grateful that this conversation happened and did so with a quote/unquote timeliness as it pertains to the go-live launch date of this project, and that's because the nuts and bolts of this thing involve and require an investment to not only give time, but to be personal and honestish and vulnerable. And when the person you've known longer than most anyone on the planet agrees to sit down with you, you wanna do them right.

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Episode 14: Ethan Brown
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 14: Ethan Brown

Ethan Brown means so many things to both me and the world. Besides the titles of son, brother, father, husband, friend, bartender, boss, and expert, he has earned the right to be called kind, thoughtful, clever, witty, warm, and a bucketful of other things, too. He’s the portal to what’s hip. He’s a vehicle for what’s hilarious. He’s the embodiment of passionate when it comes to the things he loves, and his presence is the elixir you need to right yourself.

Ethan blew my mind with his selection of badass records, except for that he really didn’t.

That is -- right, wrong, or otherwise -- I had a natural expectation that what he would come up with would leave me feeling like a musical novice, and I was not off the mark in unintentionally thinking that that would be the case.

I mean…

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Episode 13: Adam Boyd
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 13: Adam Boyd

Adam Boyd joined the Badass Records Podcast for episode #13, and what a treat it was to have him. We go back some 15ish years to the good, old service industry, a time in which we'd occasionally agree to disagree on this, that, or the other. These alleged debates were -- in my experience -- almost always light-hearted, in the spirit of quality conversation, and often over a post-shift cold one.

Adam was always one of my favorite F.o.H. soldiers, and -- though we seldom see one another now -- he remains one of my favorite humans; I suspect his wife and kids feel lucky to have him both a) in their lives, and b) out of the business, as the saying goes.

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Episode 12: Nick Leckey
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 12: Nick Leckey

Nick Leckey is a son, a brother, a husband, and a father. He's a lot of other things, i.e. a token work-place professional, both president and a member of the KC Incognito Vacay Association (K.I.V.A.), and you know what else he is? He's a goddamn Super Bowl champion (New Orleans Saints, 2010).

My guest for episode #12 of Badass Records has a lot of great qualities about him, but my favorite is perhaps is sense of humor and infectious laugh. Seriously. He's one of the the best matches I've ever encountered when it comes to cracking wise on an even keel, so this conversation was a hoot.

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Episode 11: Ian Gordy
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 11: Ian Gordy

I had the pleasure of hosting Ian Gordy for episode 11, and when I say pleasure, I mean it was a true joy and a privilege to be gifted his time to talk music, which is really what this thing is all about.

Sometimes -- across this pandemic -- I've heard folks say things like, People need people, or, We need each other. Hell, my old man was saying that 25 and 30 years ago.

It's a strange thing to contemplate, though. I mean, we've kinda carved ourselves into these seemingly self-sufficient grooves, but what we've really done is eliminate a lot of direct, one-on-one contact with others, and I feel like these kinds of conversations are a sort of food for the soul. At least they are for me, anyway.

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Episode 10: Jason Gerken
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 10: Jason Gerken

Jason Gerken is one of my favorite human beings on the planet and I barely even know him.

As I was telling the guest from Episode #9, it feels like every episode I do is my new favorite conversation, and this one was no different.

It takes a lot of courage to say yes to doing an interview about your life and your music and it takes even more to show up and see it through. I can't exactly say why, but I just had a hunch that our conversation in this one would be a hoot, and it did not disappoint.

Jason has been behind the Shiner kit for some time now, and it was exciting to learn about the other projects he's participating in as well.

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Episode 09: Jason Proffitt
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 09: Jason Proffitt

Jason Proffitt is a father, a retired beer-league goaltender, and one of the coolest cats you'll ever meet. Even when he's angry at you for playing shitty defense in front of his net.

In this week's episode of Badass Records, Jason and I dissected musical snobbery, chatted about good, great, and goofy people, dipped our toes in the Frank Zappa and Jenny Lewis waters, and talked about a few pivotal points of our musical journeys, which -- for him -- included his introduction to The Cult's album, Electric. We also spent a decent chunk of time envisioning ourselves to be stand-up comedy experts, so take that forever it might be worth. 

We enjoyed the shit out of ourselves in this conversation and we hope you'll dig it, too.

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Episode 08: Matt Barr
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 08: Matt Barr

There's no way in the human world to compile a collection of words that will do justice to who Matt "Bus" Barr is, and -- even though I'm gonna try -- one could only attempt to grasp what a phenomenal person he is after knowing him for almost 30 years.

He is, nevertheless, a son, brother, a father to three, and perhaps above all an artist.

Bus has had a really fascinating musical journey and turned a lot of people on to a lot of things they probably never would've heard of otherwise. He's been on Grateful Dead tour at age 16, in a band at age 25, had an entire gallery display of his own original work, lived with a pot-bellied pig, dealt with Type I Diabetes since age 10, been a teacher and a principal, made both a children's-music album and book, and, well...we're not even scratching the surface of his life list with those mentions.

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Episode 07: Britt Whitehead
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 07: Britt Whitehead

Britt Whitehead is a son, a kid brother, and a father of two. He's one of the smartest dudes you'll ever meet, so if you need a guy like that on your payroll, you should hire him. And while you ponder that, you might also chew on the idea of giving him a pile of U.S. currency to restore that favorite piece of furniture you've always been wanting redone.

Anyhoo, let's not overlook the idea that Britt joined for an episode of Badass Records to talk about The White Album (or The Beatles' self-titled double LP, if that's what gets your rocks off) that remains a legendary recording 54 years after its release.

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Episode 06: Graunk'!
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 06: Graunk'!

Matt Graunke is a brother and a son and an uncle and a cat lover. He's also been one of my best friends for nearly 40 years, and in this installment of Badass Records, we talked about life in Lawrence, KS, relationships with our homeboys, the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Beastie Boys.

Although we didn't do Licensed to Ill half of the justice it deserves, it was a fantastic hang, nonetheless.

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Episode 05: Erik Hess
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 05: Erik Hess

Erik Hess is a husband, a father of three, a note-taker, and a collector of music, memorabilia, stats, jewelry, and hair-care products.

In Episode 5 of Badass Records, we not only talked about what an oddball Russell Wilson is and how much his new team overpaid for him, but we also talked about the distinct possibility that the band 311, the comedian Carrot Top, and retired NFL quarterback Jay Cutler might be entirely interchangeable entities.

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Episode 04: Tanya Sieber
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 04: Tanya Sieber

Tanya Sieber is a mother of two, an entrepreneur, and a vessel through which music is manifested and shared.

She has sailed many musical seas, including being baptized by Pink Floyd's The Wall at age eight, playing bass guitar in a band in her college years, to today, in which she finds her singer/songwriter self frequenting the recording studio and releasing original tracks out into the ether. Or the ethos. Take your pick.

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Episode 03: Elwyn M. Grimes, Jr.
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 03: Elwyn M. Grimes, Jr.

In Episode 3 of Badass Records, we talk rap, hip-hop, R&B, grunge, and more. We got a few things wrong in our De La/Tribe discussion, but we didn't sit down together to have a perfect conversation. Instead, we examined a few of our own musical-journey tributaries, and illustrated our appreciation for friends, family, record stores, and stereo systems.

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Episode 02: Josh "Jett Pakk" George
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 02: Josh "Jett Pakk" George

Josh "Jett Pakk" George is a father of three, a skater at heart, and a retired muthafuckin' hustla'.

In Episode #2 of Badass Records, we wax nostalgic about Led Zeppelin and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, but not for long, as those relics remain but a dusty launchpad into the world of hip-hop, breakdancing, and rap.

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Episode 01: Jason Fisher
Blair Johnson Blair Johnson

Episode 01: Jason Fisher

Jason Fisher is a father, a writer, and the proprietor of Armadillo Storage Company in Durango, CO. He roots for the Denver Nuggets and the Boston Red Sox, but really finds pleasure in supporting the Denver Broncos Football Club, and that last part is a painful phrase to type. Jason once held the esteemed position of Editor-in-Chief for Fort Lewis College’s The Independent newspaper, and still makes up one-third of The Iron Triangle, a trio of ex-Independent editors that dabbled in the blog world over at House of Georges.

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