Episode 159: Solomon Alpert

Solomon Alpert joined me for Episode No. 159. Solomon is a son, a brother, a husband, a father figure, and a Reentry Counselor at Benilde Hall, a facility which helps folks by fostering sustained recovery, stable housing, economic self-sufficiency, and improved mental and physical well-being. An honorable career and facility, to say the least.

This week's guest came highly recommended courtesy of his wife, Lisa, who joined me for Episode No. 147 (and is tentatively slated to join me once more, this time for the newest installment of Becoming a Swifty), and he did not disappoint. There's nothing better than a healthy mix of good vibe and qualifiable intelligence.

Solomon and I talked about growing up, being first-borns, education, figuring out one's professional self, and a bunch more. We also talked about a few of his favorite albums, which were these:

Heaven or Las Vegas (1990), Cocteau Twins

Liz Phair's Exile in Guyville (1993)

Chutes Too Narrow (2003), The Shins

Toro y Moi's Freaking Out! (2011)

If You're Reading This It's Too Late (2015), Drake

Carly Rae Jepsen's Emotion (2015)

Many thanks to both Solomon and to everyone that supports the show. This is a look into (mostly) Kansas City folks, who they are, what they're into, and what tunes make them groove.

Cheers, y'all.

copyright disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the audio samples contained in this episode. They are snippets from Benevento/Russo Duo's, "Walking, Running, Viking," which I probably used already once before, so shame on me. It's from their 2006 release, Play Pause Stop, however, and we're blessed with its existence c/o Royal Potato Family.


Episode 160: Derrick Benitz


Episode 158: Jeremiah James Gonzales