Episode 133: James Harmon
James Harmon is a son, a partner, a father, and a good-vibes kind of human being. He co-owns and co-operates Jammin' Nuggets Music with his lady friend, and you can find their spot at 115 S. Ohio in Sedalia, MO.
James and I talked family, growing up, passion projects becoming real-life projects, record-store shopping, making connections through music, and more. We also talked a little bit about a few of James' favorite albums, which were these:
Kind of Blue (1959), Miles Davis
Kiss' Animalize (1984)
Prison Bound (1988), Social Distortion
I'm grateful for James taking some time away from the store to come and shoot the breeze with me on a Saturday. It was a pleasure to meet him, learn a little bit about him, and learn about what getting a brick-and-mortar record store open in the fuzz of pandemic was like.
You can follow Jammin' Nuggets Music on Facebook and Instagram, and if you have any questions for them you can give them a shout at 660-951-1070.
copyright disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the audio samples contained within this episode. They are clips from a tune called, "LoCKeDoWN2" by Meute (MOY-tuh), an 11-piece, techno marching band out of Hamburg, whom have been a super-fun discovery for me this year. They've got four records out, including Empor from this year, and they are a really rad YouTube rabbit hole, if you're so incline. This tune, though, comes from Empor, and that record exists c/o TUMULT serviced by NEUBAU Music.