Episode 106: Kirstie Lynn

Pleased as punch to have had Kirstie Lynn join me for Episode No. 106 of Badass Records, and I'm just as excited to have you check out our conversation.

I ran into Kirstie in the ol' downtownage, and -- before I knew it -- we were swapping e-mail messages in order to get this chat on the books.

She's a classically trained opera singer, a songwriter, a musician, a live-music performer, a veteran of the gigging road, and -- if my two hours with her are a good measuring stick -- she's one heck of a fascinating human being. One might even go so far as to say wonderful.

We talked about the east coast, continuing education, opportunities, family and friends, relationships, and so much more. We also took a peek at a few of her favorite records, which were these:

  • Ladies of the Canyon (1970), Joni Mitchell

  • Angel Olsen's Halfway Home (2012)

  • Bury Me at Makeout Creek (2014), Mitski

  • Big Thief's Masterpiece (2016)

  • Nothing for Me, Please (2023), Dean Johnson

Please check out Kirstie's array of musical offerings at kirstielynn.com. You can buy, download, or stream her stuff on Amazon Music, Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, and -- to keep in the know -- you should follow her on Instagram.

Thank you very much, Kirstie Lynn, and thank you, kind listener, for being here.

copyright disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the audio samples contained within this episode. They are clips from a Thievery Corporation tune called, "Tower Seven" from they 2011 release, Culture of Fear (c/o Primary Wave Music).


Episode 107: DINKC


Episode 105: Sid Sowder